Tuesday, September 20, 2011

" I'm Good"

How are you doing? " I'm Good. I'm Blessed, Truly Blessed, and To Blessed to be stressed". If you received $20 dollars for every time you heard this reply, how much would you have? I'm doing good is my standard reply in church, but after listening to a TD Jakes sermon the other day, I started to think about my "SCRIPTED" reply.

Matthew 9: 12 When JESUS heard this he said, healthy people don't need a doctor, sick people do!Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but THOSE WHO KNOW THEY ARE SINNERS."  I believe DJ Kool had a song "What the hell you come in here for"! So is coming to church and presenting a facade that all is well helping ME/you with our issues, whatever they may be. Or should we be a little more transparent. I'm not advocating telling all the folks in church your business but why am I/we there if all is well. Is church not where SINNERS go for healing! I haven't always felt this way, I'll take this time to THANK the LORD for "GROWTH"!!

Words are very powerful. If we keep telling ourselves that we're to blessed to be stressed we might just start believing that little white lie. I'm not easily stressed myself, trials and tribulations throughout the years and the Holy Spirit have deposited a joy in me that surpasses the logic of the world. But I am always reminding myself, even on the best of day's that I NEED THE LORD 24/7!! I have to eat dinner now, and get prepared for work, so I'll conclude by saying, "It's All Good"!! lol